VI International Conference on Didactics in Chemistry
Registration Fees:
General public, 60€
Members of GAQ* and SBEnQ 30€
Members of COLQUIGAº and members of AQUIGAºº, Free of charge.***
* Chemistry Associations Group, proof must be sent
** Sociedade Brasileira de Ensino de Química, proof must be sent
º College of Chemists of Galicia
ºº Association of Chemists of Galicia
***For the discount it is necessary to belong to both the College and the Association (COLQUIGA and AQUIGA)
Important dates:
January 10: registration opens.
May 3: communication sending limit.
May 10: registration closes.
May 23: 1st day
May 24: 2nd day
May 25: 3rd day
Prof. Lic. Sandro J. González Lafarga - Universidad de la Pampa (Argentina)
Prof. PhD. José Manuel Andrade Garda - Universidade da Coruña (España)
Prof. PhD. José María Fernández Solís - Universidade da Coruña (España)
Prof. Mr. Juan José Sanmartín Rodríguez - Profesor Enseñanza Secundaria (AQUIGA)
Mr. José Luis Francisco Fuentes - (COLQUIGA)
Mr. José Ramón Bahamonde Hernando - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
PhD. Manuel Rodríguez Méndez - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
Prof. PhD. Ana María Gayol González - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
Mrs. Laura Gil Rodríguez - (COLQUIGA)
Mrs. María Modino Pérez - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
PhD. Manuel Rodríguez Méndez - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
Mr. José Ramón Bahamonde Hernando - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
Mr. Francisco Javier Becerra - (COLQUIGA)
Mr. Emilio Osende Bardanca - (COLQUIGA)
Mr. Carlos Vales Fernández - (COLQUIGA)
Prof. Mr. Juan José Sanmartín Rodríguez - (COLQUIGA y AQUIGA)
Prof. PhD. Pastora Bello Bugallo - (Escuela Técnica Superior Ingeniería de la USC)
Prof. PhD. José María Fernández Solís - (Universidad da Coruña)
Payment Methods:
Wire transfer
Owner: Official College of Chemists of Galicia
IBAN: ES62 0081 7620 4900 0219 2622
We also have PayPal by requesting it at secretariatecnica@colquiga.org (only for participants from outside the Schengen area)
The payment deadline is May 15, 2024
